Most of us plan for our future which includes planning for our early retirement. You probably have strong desire to achieve goals that you had set earlier by working your fingers to the bone. All of us need to work in order to make ends meet, but this does not mean you have to neglect your self-improvement which it is able to upgrade your current status quo. If you think you are still running around circles, it is time to seek for help. In this case, most people are preferred to attend short motivational courses which it could actually solve certain problems related to their career. As far as I concerned, the most common problem is that most employees are lacking of certain professional skills which are the main criteria for a job promotion. Many people had given several excuses that they had no time to review their yearly performance. If you are bored of working in your present company or you are still looking for an ideal job, maybe it is time to go back to business school in order to gain more related knowledge and also polish related business skills.
Basically, getting back to business school can be another alternative to allow yourself to be trained by experienced lecturers. These lecturers have vast experiences in related business fields that make them qualified to hold such teaching position. If you are worried that you will have problems of handling between your work and study, get yourself an online MBA course which provides flexible lecture hours in which you can choose which suitable time to 'listen' to the lectures without missing a single lesson.